Wednesday, 21 August 2013

A boy has stroke since 6 months old for 8 years recovered

A boy in Hong Kong had stroke at the age of 6 months old (note, not 6 years old).  At the age of 8 years, he was still not able to talk and stand.  After wearing Nefful, he started to rise up his leg.  With Nefful blanket for about a month, he recovered, can walk and jump
(in Mandarin)

Stroke testimonial

After wear Nefful clothing for 2 months, blood pressure reduced by 20 points, backache improved

An uncle had stroke.  Every night went to the toilet 4 to 5 times.  After wear Nefful clothing for 3 days, night urinate reduced to 1 time.  After wearing full set for 2 months, he was able to sit up.  In 6 months, he can start to walk with walking aid.  In 1 year, he can walk around

(in Mandarin)
Taxi driver has stroke for 8 years.  He needs a walking stick to assist him to move around.  After wearing Nefful clothing full set, he can walk without a stick in 1 week.

中风瘫痪为8年不能走路和手 腿水肿
(in Mandarin)
A boy in Hong Kong had stroke at the age of 6 months old (note, not 6 years old).  At the age of 8 years, he was still not able to talk and stand.  After wearing Nefful, he started to rise up his leg.  With Nefful blanket for about a month, he recovered, can walk and jump
(in Mandarin)
A monk has stroke for 2 months, only can lay on the bed, not able to stand.  After wearing Nefful clothing for 3 weeks, he can stand up and do his daily chores by himself
(in Mandarin)

 An uncle had stroke for 6 years.  He ate a lot of Ling Zi over the years.  He spent RM200k in a year on Ling Zi.   This helped him to improve, can sit and stand but not able to move freely.  After wearing Nefful product for less than 2 months, he can move and drive around, doing his business.

(in Mandarin)

All kinds of skin problem

Psoriasis 15 yr Flaky Skin Abnormal Dryness
(in English)
Psoriasis 15 yr Flaky Skin Abnormal Dryness
(in Mandarin)
This lady's husband has serious psoriasis 牛皮藓.  He has seen many doctors but no cure.  After using Nefful, his condition improved and skin becomes not so thick
(in Mandarin)
10 years old girl with eczema, many parts of the body have rashes, body itch after swimming
(in English)
For the past 30 years, a school teacher had lesion on her body and her rashes wounds would be bleeding every day and does not heal.  For 6-8 months, there was no skin on her hands.  She had to wrap her hands with bandage everyday before going to school.  She had consulted many skin specialists with no remedy.  Nefful products improve her skin problem and also other health problem like Asthma, 6 years of insomnia, low blood pressure, frequent migraine, water retention in the leg causing leg pain, severe joint problem from past sports injuries
(in English) 


改穿負離子之後,皮膚變光滑了! 兩年之內所有皮癬都不見了!



A very good testimonial from Michelle Goh below:
和大家分享让我困扰十多年的问题,右下角的那张正是本人现在的手,持续使用了接近两个月,已经开始慢慢恢复成看到了少许的指纹,手指也感到滋润不再干干硬硬的,甚至也没那么的肿胀了!不曾有过这么棒的产品让我对妮芙露如此的有信心!之前有太多搽的,吃的,喝的,甚至是浸的,都让我失望透了!十多年的痛苦,就在使用了产品一个星期多后就有这样的效果(右上角那张)! 我在这里看到了我的未来和快乐!

Sharing from Michelle Goh Testimonial:

Just feel so excited and want to share my happiness again. Currently my hand (lower right picture) has recovered from the swollen, I feel the softness and smoothness and can see a little bit of fingerprint.   There isn't exist any great product which gave me the confidence till I found NEFFUL can help.  I have been suffering for over ten years with my hand allergy. I refused to apply further any lotion or eat any medicines due to the disappointment I had before. A month ago i was giving a chance to use Nefful Negative Ion Healthy Products. I don't even believe I got my hand back in this good condition for not more than two weeks used (upper right picture).

I had found my future & happiness right here!
感謝台湾夥伴 高雅玲分享見證!!負離子真的太棒了!
分享我家見證~~~我與先生前兩年搬到濕氣重的居住空間住了1年時間,我先生脖子出現3-4公分很像癬的東西,擦藥都沒改善,今年夏天快到了癬也跟著大發作目前擴大到多1倍的大小,天氣熱整片紅腫很嚴重,我們搭配飲食少吃麵粉類與使用妮芙露負離子被套製作的頸圍與枕頭套, ;幾天下來不擦藥晚上圍著負離子頸圍睡覺,大大改善脖子的整片紅腫效果驚人,先生也開始穿著妮芙露的衣服,增加使用量希望趕快改善身體上的其他皮膚病,妮芙露的衣服透氣性非常良...
17 years old boy with eczema

Sunday, 18 August 2013

细菌溃疡6个孔 下颌关节脱臼 每个月发生 长达15年


下颌关节脱臼 每个月发生 长达15年 曾试图自杀3次.  朋友救了她她很生气,因为她饱受病痛戴了妮芙露帽子的第一个晚上一半身体是冷的,而另一半是烧从那起,她的下巴不再脱臼
Gastric pain, has ulcers (6 holes).  After wear Nefful clothing for 3 weeks, she went for scanning and x-ray, confirmed no more ulcers.
Jaw dislocated almost every month, every week for a period of 15 years.  Has attempted committed suicide 3 times.   Her friend rescued her and she was angry with her friend because she was suffering from pain.  On the first night wearing Nefful hat (mao mao), her half body was cold and the other half was warm.  Since then, her jaw no longer dislocate. 

Sunday, 11 August 2013

脑肿瘤 乳腺癌 偏头痛 风湿 失眠 糖尿病  高血压 高胆固醇  心绞痛  缺乏血液回流到心脏  视觉模糊及抑郁症
This lady shared her experience of Nefful clothing with her niece and 2 other cancer patients in the hospital back in 2008.  Her niece listened to her and started to wear Nefful clothing.  Her condition improved and she is now back to work as a teacher.  However the 2 friends that she met in the hospital did not try Nefful clothing and they passed away last year in June and December 2010 respectively. 
One day, she met a stranger who had blindness due to diabetes in the hospital.  Just by wearing the Nefful teviron Eye Mask for over 2 weeks, he finally can see. 

乳腺癌 电疗 皮肤烧焦 全套使用妮芙露衣服 新皮肤细胞恢复

虔诚的基督徒 乳腺癌患者,使用2个月后, 有惊人的恢复。由于疗 她的皮肤烧焦,  但是使用妮芙露衣服全套后 (四套,每六小时更换),她的皮肤增长新细胞, 恢复。失眠抑郁改善 不再需要吃放松和失眠药物
Testimonial on how negative ions clothing helps a breast cancer patient to recover from her side effects from cancer treatment.

During her first course of treatment, she suffered from great pain.  When she went through her second course of treatment, she did not feel the pain because she worn full set of negative ions clothing.

After 33 times of  radiation, her skin was charred.  However, when she worn negative ions clothing, her skin becomes baby skin.  Her depression and insomnia were improved
 (in Mandarin)

Friday, 9 August 2013

遭遇: 前列腺癌症,pH值过度到7.8。 肝脏疾病和胃癌

骨松症跌倒导致骨裂 坐轮椅 穿负离子衣服三星期可以走路 颈部骨刺子宫长八粒瘤 穿负离子衣服三个月 骨刺子宫瘤消失

王雅泉高区三年前跌倒,骨松症导致骨裂,坐轮椅八个月,穿尿布,连电头发也要叫理发师到家里。 穿了负离子衣服三个星期可以走路。 她的理发师颈部有骨刺和子宫长八粒瘤。穿了负离子衣服三个月,骨刺和子宫瘤消失

穿了妮芙露负离子衣服 改善 月经失调 手腿冰凉 疤痕 淋巴瘤 中风

月经失调, 四个月没有来。 看中西医没有改善。穿了妮芙露负离子衣服三天后, 月经来了, 每个月正常。手腿冰凉改善, 手深色疤痕消失。
师父脖子很紧 有淋巴瘤 戴上毛帽围巾瘤破排毒。
大师中风躺在床上两个月 穿了离子衣服 三周后可以站起来 后来自由行动
Symptom:  menstruation disorder, limbs coldness, scar on hand, tumors at lymph nodes, stroke

前列腺 浓水 偏头痛 针灸效果不佳 穿了妮芙露负离子衣服5天见效 中风两年头发白嘴歪 穿了两星期嘴没有歪口没有流 头发七成黑 血压降低160到125

Pi Lian tumors disappear after 1 month, her husband colon cancer tumor 9 inch x 8 inch reduce to 1 inch

子宫长瘤 频出血 乳房瘤 双脚也有瘤 穿妮芙露负离子衣服 瘤消失 高血脂降至正常 心脏衰弱改善

从1985年,子宫长瘤, 频出血。2008乳房长瘤,双脚也有瘤。吃保健品并没有帮助。穿妮芙露负离子衣服两个半月后,脚瘤消失.  大量全套使用4个月后,高血脂降至正常范围.   一年后子宫瘤消失.  她的心脏衰弱也改善 可以步行天山999梯级

Since 1985, she had tumors  in her uterus, frequent bleeding.  In 2008, her breast had tumor.  Her feet also have tumors.  She ate lots of supplements but it did not help.   After she worn Nefful socks for 2.5 months, the foot tumor disappeared.  With full set of Nefful wear, 4 months later, her high cholesterol went back to normal range.  After one year, her fibroid disappear, her weak heart also improved.  She can climb 999 steps mountain Tianshan

Uncle Tony suffered from many chronic diseases

Below is his poor health history:
  • Diabetes more than 20 years
  • High blood pressure more than 200
  • Sugar index of 12.5 - 25
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart attack twice
  • Stroke for 6 years at age of 66
  • Cannot close hand after his stroke
  • Woke up 7-8 times every night 
  • Cannot eat and pass motion
  • Kidney failure in 2008 due to taking 37 tablets daily
  • Took 45mins to walk to the lift
  • Get giddy easily
  • 2 legs black color, swollen, bleeding
  • Whole body pain
  • Left eye 90% cannot see, right eye 60% cannot see
After he was introduced to Nefful, he wore the full set, all his chronic diseases have greatly improved:-
After wear eye mask for 1 month, his left eye started to open. 
After wear full set 24x7, his stroke condition improved, he was discharged from hospital due to diabetes. He has gained his vision.  His muscle improved

This is his testimonial
Part 1:
Part 2: