Sunday, 29 September 2013

Liver problem due to hepatitis B recovered after using Nefful garment

She has liver problem due to hepatitis B.  After using Nefful garment full set, her liver condition recovered to normal.  Her jaundice and freckles were gone.

(in Mandarin)

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Cancer testimonials 2 各种癌症

Cancer Patients get Relief from Side Effects of Radiotherapy

Another testimonial from Malaysia, given by Daisy AM+, who used to work in a hospital laboratory before retirement.

I just visited a friend who has just finished 25 doses of radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

She told me the radiologist n medical technicians were surprised that there were no burnt marks or skin peeling which usually appears after radiotherapy. 

She had been using full set of Negative Ion Garments and Blankets. Every time she went for radiotherapy, she would wear the garments and the waistband before and after the session.

Her tumor had shrunk 65% though the doctor estimated it will shrink only 30%. 

視神經發炎導致萎縮 兩眼幾乎瞎掉 optic nerve inflammation atrophy

一年半前 救了我的機會 -- 譚振宇 網誌

 四年前 視神經發炎導致萎縮 兩眼幾乎瞎掉
但傷腎傷肝 一堆人叫我不要吃 但能不吃嗎?

以為會有公司有殘障缺可以工作 但現實就是少到輪不到你
中醫調養效果沒什麼感覺 民俗療法也差不多 收驚作法也做很多
保健食品也吃好幾個月花掉幾萬 最後幾乎沒有再進步了
到去年過年前 也就是過了兩年半 我因為沒有進展 沒有收入
精神上終於受不了 我害怕連最重要的人都受不了離我而去
怕一輩子就這樣了 到底活著幹麻?

把自己搞到要靠憂鬱症的藥讓自己冷靜 睡覺
但又胃食道逆流 胃潰瘍 嚴重到一吃就抱馬桶吐 吐到剩不到45公斤
回老家也沒有幫助 只讓兩老快嚇死

 幸好 高中同學忠謙給了負離子衣服的資訊
老爸也死馬當活馬醫買下去 從那天起一切都不一樣了
不用靠藥物熟睡 睡到很清楚知道身體狀況越來越好
腸胃一個月內復原 半年後沒再因亂吃東西發作
眼睛狀況在三個月後可以正常看書 半年後開始騎短程的車
驗血驗尿報告顯示免疫系統正常 醫生也讓我慢慢減藥量

如果說 只是剛好要恢復 那為什麼會用盡方式
卻一兩年的時間都沒再進展 而是穿了負離子衣服後才大幅進步

當然一開始我也不相信 否則我不會再剛發病就拒絕了大學學妹的介紹
現在想想 我竟然錯失一次機會 浪費了兩三年的時間復原
但很感謝老天 又給我一次機會 讓我能恢復到可以再當個正常人

當時覺得13萬很貴 但是每次去看醫生總會聽到旁邊人說
開一次刀就花掉幾萬 過沒幾年又要開
或是 保健食品 偏方 吃掉多少錢 哪一個不是花超過十萬
有效當然最好 有錢可以這樣花當然也很好 但我沒有
所以我很慶幸這筆花費 可以重複長期使用 不用再砸錢

如果用盡所有方法 都沒效果時 為什麼不改變方法爭取自己的未來
我年輕 我有夢想 難到年紀大的就沒想做的事嗎

怕被騙 那就像我一樣去找資料 去了解 因為那是關係到自己的人生
負離子 很多人說騙人的 但行政院科學國家委員會就有相關資料
不只日本 連大陸都有專門研究負離子醫學的機構
它能調整免疫系統 提升自瘉能力 都有很多相關資料
也很多資料說 人體自瘉能力才是萬能藥 比藥物好太多
所以 它不是憑空虎爛的方式 而是有原理的
因為超越自己理解範圍 就簡單的拒絕
繼續用一樣的方式 期待有一天會有不一樣的結果???



Cancers testimonials

Pi Lian's lymph nodes tumor cancer disappeared after 1 month.  Her husband colon cancer tumor size 9 inch x 8 inch reduced to 1 in

Nefful helps to reduce the side effect of chemotherapy

One Nefful user from Taiwan shared her testimonial:

She is a breast cancer stage 3 patient, going through chemotherapy. While she knew the chemo drug is very poisonous, she had to take it to prevent the cancer from spreading.   She got an advise to use Nefful as a detox tool during this period.

She has seen definitive results.  Here is the details.

She goes to the hospital for chemotherapy every 3 weeks on Fridays. She'd go home immediately afterwards, takes a shower, and puts on all her clean Nefful garments and rolls herself into Nefful blanket and bedsheet to sleep.

When she wakes up in the morning and goes to the bathroom, her urine is pink color -- that's the exact color of her chemo drug!

This situation continues for a week. Every day, her first round of urination is pink.

When she shared this with other chemo patients at the hospital, none of the others have seen that much of detox discharged after chemo. Most people may only see pink urine for 2 or 3 days at most, but none would last for a week.

So she concluded that Nefful truly helps to cleanse her body, especially the blanket, which has the highest negative ion density. That's why the detox usually takes place most progressively after a long night's sleep.

Another evidence of detox is from washing Nefful garments. This past winter (in 2013) has been a very rainy one in Taipei. When she hung her Nefful garments out to dry, it would take too long to dry up.

So she decided to hang Nefful garments indoors after washing, and used a dehumidifier to speed up the drying process.

When she was unloading the water from the dehumidifier, she saw the water was slight pink color, and the water drawer was also slightly dyed with pink color. Both similar to the color of the chemo drug.







当她醒来的早上,去洗手间,她的尿液是粉红色的颜色 - 这是她的化疗药物的一樣的颜色!







Brain Cancer
Felicia is now 10 years old.  She comes from Jakarta. She was diagnosed with brain cancer when she was 6 years old.  From Sep 2011 till Aug 2012, she went through 8 chemotherapy sessions. Her condition after chemo was not good. Her weight was 15.4kg and she only had her skin covering her bone. She was pale and weak. She had no appetite. Her red blood cells reading, magnesium and other readings were abnormal. Doctors could not help her.  In Dec 2012, Felicia started to wear Nefful clothing. Her mom could see the difference on her lips (now red) and her appetite. Felicia is no longer weak. She is able to run around. In Mar 2013 Felicia went for MRI and CT scan. Doctor declared there is no more cancer cells. Her weight has improved to 19.6kg.

T-cell lymphoma (cancers of the lymphatic system which forms part of the immune system)
The little girl in the picture below is 3 year-old Jing Jing.
Her parents are with her in the picture (mum on her left, dad standing) and they are from Malaysia.

In May 2013, Jing Jing’s legs were suddenly swollen and she couldn't walk.  When she was brought to the hospital, doctors took X-ray and found out that there are many white spots within the bones in her leg. The doctors decided to operate on the leg to remove bone marrow for testing - a very painful procedure even for adults.

Doctors diagnosed Jing Jing was having T-cell lymphoma. She was put on medication but eventually the doctors referred them to a hospital in Singapore for better healthcare.

In Singapore, doctors did the same test again to confirm T-cell lymphoma, operating on her arm to extract the bone marrow instead.

When it was confirmed, Jing Jing was given a lot of medication to combat the problem, but there was little improvement in her condition. The medication had caused side effects on Jing Jing.  Her parents were worried as Jing Jing was not very alert and had insomnia.

Eventually, little Jing Jing was put on chemotherapy. She experienced hair loss, fits, high blood pressure (more than 180), high fever and lung infection.
Jing Jing had to be moved to the ICU as she couldn’t breathe. There she was put on an induced coma.
Her parents were very distressed because she was not only put on drip, but had all sorts of tubes inserted into her body.

After the 10th round of chemo, Jing Jing’s mum Mei-Yu met Rachael. Rachel shared with her that Nefful clothing can help Jinh Jing's condition, but she didn’t believe.  However, Rachael was very confident with Nefful products, she persistently took time to share with Mei-Yu repeatedly.

Jing Jing started to wear Nefful clothing at the beginning of July. She used the full set of clothing - blanket, CA series, eskimode etc. The clothing relieved her from the side effects of the chemo and helped her to improve.

Barely a month later, in the beginning of August, the doctors did another test and they declared Jing Jing had cleared all the lymphoma!

Jing Jing could finally be discharged from hospital after all these months.  The doctors were really surprised because her recovery speed was too far ahead than their expectation!

2013年5月,晶晶的腿突然肿了不能走路。当她被送到医院,医生拍了X光,发现在她的腿的骨头里有许多白色斑点。医生决定动手术從她的腿取出骨髓测试 。一个非常痛苦的过程,甚至成人也會很難受。

测试回来,医生诊断晶晶患的是T细胞淋巴瘤。她被用上药物,但最终医生是指引她去新加坡医院接受更完善的設備治療。 



做了10次化疗后,晶晶的妈妈美玉遇见了Rachael。Rachael与她分享妮芙露衣服可以帮助Jing Jing,但她不相信。然而,Rachael对妮芙露产品非常有信心,她坚持花时间与美玉多次分享。
7月時,晶晶开始穿衣服,她用全套 - 毛毯, CA等。帮助她減輕化疗的副作用。 8月开始,在不到一个月后,医生再做测试証實晶晶所有的淋巴瘤沒了。了幾個月瞐瞐终于可以出院了。医生們也很惊讶,因为她的身體狀況改善得如此好和體力恢复神速。

Liver cancer

Good testimonial from Taiwan.  Lee-hui, a nurse, went on the stage to give her testimonial. In her hand, she showed her latest health check-up report from the hospital.

She was diagnosed with tumor in her liver since 2007. Over the years, the tumor kept growing bigger and even more tumors began to grow.

Lee-hui began using Nefful Full Set on 28th Feb 2013. She worn the clothing diligently.  On 16th Sept 2013, about 6 months after using Nefful, Lee-hui went to the hospital for a full-body check-up.  The doctors told her all the tumors in her liver are gone!!!

Lee-hui is very very happy. She said, Nefful really works! Below is a picture of Lee-hui.


Tumors at the lower abdomen/pelvis area

Elaine is a cancer patient who has two tumors at the lower abdomen/pelvis area. She was introduced to Nefful by Meiyoke, one of my partners who saw how wonderful the product is.

The first night when Elaine used the blanket she woke up seeing her pale face flushed with colour and at that instant she knew this product was going to help her.

She started to acquire more items and wear Nefful's Teviron garments 24/7. She also put on our strongest items - blanket, eskimode pajamas etc.

She was supposed to go for her three month review and she knew that her testimonial was going to change many people's lives.  After going through a thorough check, the doctor said that out of two tumors, one had disappeared and the other tumor had shrank from 1cm to 0.3cm!

Also, she previously had performed a surgery to remove an affected area. Upon thorough checks this time, the affected area is also cleared of any cancer cells!

She is also relieved from her three monthly review to half a year review since the doctor saw so much improvement!

All these happened in just two months time!

The doctor was so amazed that she asked Elaine what she did since she didnt go for any chemotherapy! When Elaine told her about Nefful's Teviron garments, the doc actually replied that she served another patient in the morning who also told her about how Nefful created these wonderful changes!

Immediately, Elaine's son Benjamin quickly shared all that he knew about negative ions. Elaine's son previously was rather skeptical abt Teviron but upon seeing bits of improvements in his mother, he came for our talks and bought some products to try for himself!

So happy to hear this wonderful news!

(Elaine is sitting on the extreme left)


Saturday, 7 September 2013

Improvement on kidney function - old lady kidney dialysis frequency reduced from 4x a week to 1x a week

NET Si Poh's mother-in-law suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure for more than 20 years.  She had water retention.  She needed dialysis 4x a week.  After she worn full set of Nefful negative ions clothing, she recovered quickly.  In 3 days time, she had no more water retention.  In 6 months time, her high blood pressure becomes normal.  Her dialysis reduces to 1x a week

Blindness improved after wearing Nefful negative ions clothing

This lady cannot see due to a tumour in her head which presses onto the nerve.  After wearing Nefful on the 2nd day, she started to see some light though the image was blurred.  After 2 months, she can drive

(in Mandarin)

Cardiovascular bypass, depression, hypertension, high cholesterol, blurred vision.  After wear negative ions clothing, eye sight recovered, hypertension and diabetes back to normal
心脏血管绕道 高血压 高胆固醇 抑郁症 视力模糊.  穿了负离子衣服,重见光明,高血压高血糖正常

(in Mandarin) 

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Speedy recovery from car accident

Car accident causing serious facial injuries.   Her mother, Shumin immediately brought negative ions clothing such as blanket, hat and underwear rushed to the hospital for her to wear.  The doctors are surprised by her recovery speed!  Swelling had very much subsided on the tenth day.  The doctors estimated she needed three months rest before she can return to work.  However, seeing her recovery, the doctors said she can return to work in one month time.  Now no facial scars can be seen on her face.  Anion is really amazing!






Slipped disc






Testimonial from Taiwan:
In the middle of the photo is Zi Yu.  She used to be a soldier.  She had slipped disc for many years. But in order to be loyal in her career, she continued to endure the pain.

When she cannot withstand the pain anymore, she went for a surgery.  But after her spine surgery, she had complications / side effect one after another.   Her pain and stiffness persist despite massage with electrotherapy.  She was not even able to bend her body. 

When someone shared the benefits of negative ions products with her, she simply believed and invested a full set for herself.  After wearing the negative ions clothing for less than half a year, she was able to bend her body by 90 degree. 

Now she has an international career in Nefful company.  She helps a lot of her friends with health problem.  

Really, simply believe you can give yourself a different life!

Another testimonial on slipped disc
He has a slipped disc after fell down during roller skating.  His pain lasts for 19 years till he wears the Nefful cloth.  He has recovered now. 
(in Mandarin) 

Blood circulation problem, heart palpitations, heart pain, breathing heavily, get tired easily, emotional fits

Here are the improvements shared by Apple:

💥Symptom 1: Circulation
A TCM said Apple had bad circulation and prescribed Chinese medicine that cost Apple RM2000 in 2 months. However, the TCM was disappointed to find no improvement in Apple's circulation problem.
Apple began seeing healing crisis after using Nefful--blood clots came out over a period of 38 days. The TCM was very surprised when she felt Apple's pulse afterwards. She said, ' your pulse is stronger now, have you been eating anything special?'

💥Symptom 2: Heart
Apple used to take western medicine 1 pill/day because she had heart problems and had symptoms including heart palpitations, heart pain, breathing heavily, get tired easily, emotional fits, etc.
Negative ions helped to rejuvenate cells and relieved her heart problems. She no longer has pain and heart palpitations. As for her mood, she is so happy everyday that many of her colleagues wondered, 'Is Apple in love?'

She leveraged on the events over the weekend in KL, including the Anniversary and OPP talks. In less than 5 days, Apple successfully recruited 5 new members and completed more than RM16k to reach Mgr! 

Many thanks to Nefful company, the Chen Shan Mei Success Team, the speakers and everyone who helped us!!

Pls do leverage on the collective experience of Chen Shan Mei Success team to share such a life-changing opportunity with people you know!